How can I help?

We are always looking for more volunteers, people who can help us campaign for our goals and bring about change. It’s okay if you can only commit a few hours a week, we need all the help we can get!

What can I help with?

Our Voice Matters is looking for a wide variety of skillsets, whether those be digital-related, data or legal. If you have any questions about how you can help, please feel free to get in touch.

How can I spread the word?

You can spread the word and help us raise awareness by sharing our posts to your social media platforms, reposting them to your timelines or stories; the more people who see what we put out the better

Our Goals

  • Raise awareness about the prevalence of sexual harassment in politics

  • Discuss how gender inequality and power imbalances contribute to the prevalence of sexual harassment

  • Advocate for better sexual harassment reporting procedures, such as better time frames and more protection for victims

  • Advocate for better safeguarding and safeguarding training for members of political parties

  • Offer support to victims and direct victims to appropriate services

  • A survivor-focused approach, focusing on supporting survivors and improving safety for political party members

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